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BOYCOM Cablevision Partners with Calix to Transform into a Broadband Managed Service Provider

BOYCOM Cablevision, a rural cable operator serving southeast Missouri, has announced a partnership with Calix, Inc. to fully transform into a broadband managed service provider. This strategic move will enable BOYCOM to deliver exceptional subscriber experiences and redefine its brand value in competitive markets.

Under the leadership of President and CEO Patricia Jo Boyers, BOYCOM has been at the forefront of providing cable-operated telecommunications to underserved areas for the past 30 years. Boyers, who also serves as chairman of the board at America’s Communications Association (ACA) Connects, recognized the need to invest in the Calix broadband platform to enhance business efficiency and better serve their communities.

By leveraging Calix’s end-to-end broadband platform, BOYCOM will gain access to managed services that are integrated on the platform. This will allow them to easily launch new subscriber experiences and provide enhanced support and marketing functions. Additionally, the platform’s cloud analytics and insights will provide BOYCOM with full visibility into the subscriber experience, enabling them to improve customer support and drive exceptional Net Promoter Scores℠ (NPS®).

The partnership with Calix aligns with the trend of cable operators across North America repositioning their businesses by offering diversified go-to-market strategies focused on delivering broadband managed services. Calix’s SmartLife™ managed services, designed for residential, business, and government and community broadband segments, empower broadband service providers to deliver innovative subscriber experiences.

As part of their transformation, BOYCOM will work with Calix Business Insights Services to gather valuable subscriber feedback through NPS surveys. This data will help BOYCOM enhance subscribers’ experiences and significantly improve satisfaction ratings, as many other Calix customers have successfully done.

Patricia Jo Boyers expressed her excitement about the partnership, stating, “We chose to invest in the entire Calix platform because of its track record in increasing efficiency, slashing operational expenses, and growing brand value with subscribers. We are on a mission to bring world-class broadband to rural corners of Missouri that have been left without connectivity for far too long.”

Calix’s President and CEO, Michael Weening, commended Boyers’ leadership and visionary thinking, emphasizing the importance of diversification in the broadband industry. He stated, “Partnering with Calix instantly repositions a BSP’s business across residential, business, government, and community markets. This means operating with simplicity, higher margins, rapid service launches, and—most importantly—excited subscribers enjoying unparalleled reliability and new services every quarter.”

The partnership between BOYCOM Cablevision and Calix highlights the commitment of both companies to deliver exceptional broadband experiences and bridge the digital divide in rural communities. By leveraging the Calix platform, BOYCOM aims to provide world-class broadband connectivity and contribute to the growth and development of their local communities.

About Calix:
Calix, Inc. is a leading provider of broadband solutions for service providers of all sizes. Their platform and managed services enable operators to simplify their business operations, acquire subscribers, and deliver exceptional experiences. Calix is dedicated to driving continuous improvement and supporting the transformation of their customers and communities.

Source: Business Wire

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