Photo by Dalle-E OpenAI

Survey Reveals Majority of Medicare Beneficiaries Intend to Review Coverage Options

A recent survey conducted by eHealth, Inc., a leading online private health insurance marketplace, has unveiled important insights into the preferences of Medicare beneficiaries during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP). The survey, which included over 5,000 participants, found that 76% of Medicare beneficiaries intend to review their coverage choices this year.

The findings highlight the dynamic nature of healthcare needs, with 47% of beneficiaries having started seeing new doctors and 41% using new prescription drugs in the past year. Additionally, 41% of respondents reported changes in their personal finances. These factors contribute to the need for many beneficiaries to find a new plan better suited to their evolving circumstances.

eHealth’s research also revealed that Medicare beneficiaries who use their platform to review options and enroll in a new plan feel more informed about AEP and are confident in finding a plan that meets their needs.

The survey results emphasize the importance of staying informed and regularly reassessing healthcare coverage to ensure it aligns with individual requirements. As the AEP approaches, which runs from October 15 to December 7, 2023, eHealth aims to provide a comprehensive platform for beneficiaries to explore their coverage options.

eHealth has been a trusted matchmaker in the healthcare industry for over 25 years, helping millions of Americans find affordable healthcare coverage that suits their needs. With access to over 180 health insurers, including national and regional companies, eHealth offers a wide range of choices for consumers.

To learn more about eHealth and explore healthcare coverage options, visit their website at or call 1-833-964-1202 to speak with a licensed insurance agent. Stay updated by following eHealth on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X.

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