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Supreme Court now tosses out Louisiana lawsuit:

Supreme Court says Louisiana's voting maps must be redrawn to add ANOTHER district where majority of residents are black: State was accused of violating election laws by diluting African-American voteThe ruling was handed…

Trump’s historic court appearance BEGINS

Donald Trump was placed under arrest by U.S. Marshals after entering federal court with his loyal aide Walt Nauta ahead of his historic appearance in front of a judge over the scheme to keep classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. The former…

Johnson Matthey faces court battle over £325m US deal

Chemicals giant Johnson Matthey embroiled in bitter legal battle against US buyer of its former health businessBy Luke Barr, Financial Mail On Sunday Updated: 16:52 EDT, 3 June 2023 <!-- <!-- -->!-->>!-->>!-->>!-->>!-->>-->!-->>!-->>!-->-->!-->>!-->>!-->>!-->>-->!-->!-->…
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